Inventory By Room

Room Location Reagent # * Size Inventory Date Cas Number Chemical Formula Product Code Vendor/Supplier Manufacturer Hazard Category
H220 Health Hazard Lithium Chloride
Lithium monochloride.
1 * 100 (50) g 7447-41-8 LiCl L121100 Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Warning - Health Hazard
H220 Health Hazard Diphenylamine
Anilinobenzene; N-Phenylaniline; N-Phenylbenzeneamine
1 * 100 (60) g 122-39-4 (C6H5)2NH O2611-100 Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Danger - Health Hazard
H206 Chem Under Sink Mineral Oil
White mineral oil (petroleum); saturated hydrocarbons
1 * 1 L 8042-47-5 Light Mineral Oil O121-1 Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific N/A - Not a GHS classified substance and/or WHMIS controlled substance
H206 Chem Under Sink Sodium Thiosulfate Solution
Thiosulfuric acid, disodium salt pentahydrate solutions
3 * 1 L 10102-17-7 Na2S2O3.5H2O Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific N/A - Not a GHS classified substance and/or WHMIS controlled substance
H206 Chem Cabinet 8 Flammable Naphthalene
Tar Camphor; Naphthalin; Naphthene
3 * 500 g 91-20-3 C10H8 N7-500 Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Warning - Flammable and Health Hazard
H206 Chem Cabinet 8 Flammable Methanol
Methyl alcohol
1 * 4 L 67-56-1 CH3OH A412P-4 Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Danger - Flammable and Health Hazard
H206 Chem Cabinet 2 General Sodium Phosphate Dibasic
Disodium hydrogen phosphate heptahydrate
1 * 500 g 7782-85-6 Na2HPO4.7H2O S374-500 Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific N/A - Not a GHS classified substance and/or WHMIS controlled substance
H206 Chem Cabinet 2 General Sodium Bromide 1 * 500 g 7647-15-6 NaBr S255-500 Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific N/A - Not a GHS classified substance and/or WHMIS controlled substance
H206 Chem Cabinet 5 Oxidizer Potassium iodate
Iodic acid, potassium salt.
1 * 500 g 7758-05-6 KIO3 P253-100 (old S77588-2) Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Danger - Oxidizer and Irritant
H206 Chem Cabinet 4 Corrosives Sulfamic Acid
Amidosulfonic acid
1 * 100 g 5329-14-6 NH2SO3H AC222071000 (old A295-100) Fisher Scientific Acros Warning - Corrosive Solid
H206 Chem Under Sink Health Hazard n-Amyl Alcohol
Pentyl alcohol; 1-Pentanol
1 * 500 mL 71-41-0 CH3(CH2)3CH2OH A394-500 Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Warning - Flammable and Health Hazard
H206 Chem Cabinet 5 Oxidizer Nickelous Nitrate 1 * 500 g 13478-00-7 Ni(NO3)2.6H2O N62-500 Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Warning - Oxidizer
H206 Chem Cabinet 5 Oxidizer Lead Nitrate
Lead(II) nitrate; Nitric acid, lead(2+) salt; Plumbous nitrate.; Lead dinitrat
1 * 500 (375) g 10099-74-8 Pb(NO3)2 L62500 Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Danger - Oxidizer, Corrosive, Health Hazard, Carcinogen and Teratogen
H211 Inorganic Bin 2 Urea
1 * 500 g 57-13-6 NH2CONH2 U15-500 Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific N/A - Not a GHS classified substance and/or WHMIS controlled substance
H206 Chem Cabinet 1 General Potassium Hydrogen Phthalate
Potassium acid phthalate; Potassium biphthalate
1 * 100 g 877-24-7 KHC8H4O4 p243-100 Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific N/A - Not a GHS classified substance and/or WHMIS controlled substance
Page 102 of 135 (2020 records)