Inventory By Room

Room Location Reagent # * Size Inventory Date Cas Number Chemical Formula Product Code Vendor/Supplier Manufacturer Hazard Category
H211 Flammable Cabinet - Small Sodium lump in kerosene 1 * 100 g 7440-23-5 Na 71172 Sigma Aldrich Sigma Aldrich Danger - Flammable, Water Reactive, Health Hazard, Corrosive
H206 Unlocated - Temporarily Missing Sodium lump in kerosene 2 * 100 g 7440-23-5 Na 71172 Sigma Aldrich Sigma Aldrich Danger - Flammable, Water Reactive, Health Hazard, Corrosive
H211 Flammable Cabinet - Small Sodium, dispersion, 40% in oil 1 * 250 g 7440-23-5 Na 10340 Alfa Aesar Alfa Aesar Danger - Corrosive, Flammable and Health Hazard
H206 Chem Cabinet - Flammable Metals Sodium metal, sticks 1 * 100 g 7440-23-5 Na 470302-626 (old 9502004) Boreal Northwest (a division of Wards) Wards Danger - Flammable, Water Reactive, Health Hazard, Corrosive
H206 Edu General Silicon Metal Lump 1 * 100 g 7440-21-3 Si 9426304 ScholAR (a division of Wards) ScholAR (a division of Wards) N/A - Not a GHS classified substance and/or WHMIS controlled substance
H206 Chem Cabinet - Flammable Metals Potassium metal 1 * 10 g 7440-09-7 K 470302-182 (old 9501002) Boreal Northwest (a division of Wards) Wards Danger - Flammable, Water Reactive, Corrosive
H206 Unlocated - Temporarily Missing Potassium Metal 1 * 25 g 7440-09-7 K Anachemia - A division of VWR Anachemia - A division of VWR Danger - Flammable, Water Reactive, Corrosive
H211 General Palladium 1 * 10 g 7440-05-3 Pd 75982 Sigma Aldrich Sigma Aldrich N/A - Not a GHS classified substance and/or WHMIS controlled substance
R109 General Nickel AA Standard 1 * 125 mL 7440-02-0 Ni SCP Science SCP Science Danger - Corrosive Liquid
H206 Chem Cabinet - Flammable Metals Magnesium Turnings
Magnesium metal (ribbons/turnings)
1 * 500 g 7439-95-4 Mg AC19108500 (old M11-500) Fisher Scientific Acros Danger - Flammable and Water Reactive
H206 Chem Cabinet - Flammable Metals Magnesium turnings 1 * 100 g 7439-95-4 Mg 10232 Alfa Aesar Alfa Aesar Danger - Flammable
H206 Chem Cabinet - Flammable Metals Magnesium metal turnings 2 * 25 g 7439-95-4 Mg 470045-575 (old 830500-25) Boreal Northwest (a division of Wards) Wards Danger - Flammable and Water Reactive
H206 Chem Cabinet - Flammable Metals Magnesium metal ribbon 1 * 1 Oz 7439-95-4 Mg M-8 (Now manufactured by Acros) Fisher Scientific Acros Danger - Flammable
H206 Chem Cabinet - Flammable Metals Magnesium metal ribbon 2 * 25 g 7439-95-4 Mg 470301-415 (9501202) ScholAR (a division of Wards) ScholAR (a division of Wards) Warning - Flammable Solid
H206 Chem Cabinet - Flammable Metals Lithium metal (Education) 1 * 25 g 7439-932 Li 470301-387 (old 9501002) ScholAR (a division of Wards) ScholAR (a division of Wards) Danger - Flammable and Water Reactive
Page 47 of 135 (2014 records)