Inventory By Room

Room Location Reagent # * Size Inventory Date Cas Number Chemical Formula Product Code Vendor/Supplier Manufacturer Hazard Category
H207 Flammable Cabinet Rosin 1 * 1 Pk 000-000-000 No CAS Required Kwangchow China Unknown Unknown N/A - Not a GHS classified substance and/or WHMIS controlled substance
H207 Flammable Cabinet Phenolphthalein 0.5% Alcohol Solution
0.5% Phenolphthalein in IPA
1 * 500 mL 77-09-8 C20H14O4 470301-982 (P-0809) Boreal Northwest (a division of Wards) Wards Danger - Flammable, Health Hazard, Carcinogen, Mutagen, Teratogen
H207 Under Fumehood Ammonium Hydroxide 1 * 2 kg 1336-21-6 NH4OH A6320 VWR part of Avantor ACP Chemicals Inc Danger - Corrosive and Health Hazard
H207 Under Fumehood Aluminum chloride hexahydrate 1 * 500 g 7784-13-6 AlCl36h2O CWA 3280 (old A-3282) CanadaWide Scientific ACP Chemicals Inc Warning - Irritant
H207 Stains Cupboard Benedict's solution 1 * 500 mL 000-000-002 Mixture - see SDS for details 470300-368 (B-0920) Boreal Northwest (a division of Wards) Wards Warning - Irritant
H207 Flammable Cabinet Butane Fuel 10 * 26 g 106-97-8 C4H10 N/A Ronson Group Ronson Group Danger - Flammable
H207 Flammable Cabinet Methyl Benzoate 1 * 500 mL 93-58-3 cC8H8O2 M205-500 Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Warning - Combustible and Health Hazard
H207 Flammable Cabinet Isopropyl alcohol 2 * 500 mL 67-63-0 C3H8O 470301-456 (9508509) ScholAR (a division of Wards) ScholAR (a division of Wards) Danger - Flammable and Health Hazard
H207 Under Fumehood Iodine 1 * 100 g 7553-56-2 I 9704304 ScholAR (a division of Wards) ScholAR (a division of Wards) Warning - Acute toxicity
H207 Under Fumehood Sebacoyl chloride 1 * 100 mL 111-19-3 ClCO(CH2)8COCl 470302-352 (Old 9713804) ScholAR (a division of Wards) Wards Danger - Corrosive and Health Hazard
H207 Flammable Cabinet n-Butyl Alcohol
1-Butanol, n-Butanol
1 * 500 mL 71-36-3 CH3(CH2)2CH2OH 470301-512 (9510506) ScholAR (a division of Wards) Wards Danger - Flammable and Health Hazard
H207 Flammable Cabinet Calcium Carbide
Acetylenogen, Carbide
6 * 500 g 75-20-7 CaC2 470300-534 (9500406) ScholAR (a division of Wards) Wards Danger - Corrosive and Flammable
H207 Flammable Cabinet Sulfur 1 * 500 g 7704-34-9 S 470302-840 (9514506) ScholAR (a division of Wards) Wards Warning - Irritant
H207 Flammable Cabinet Phenolphthalein solution, 0.5 1 * 500 mL 77-09-8 C20H14O4 470301-982 (9511506) ScholAR (a division of Wards) Wards Danger - Flammable, Health Hazard, Carcinogen, Mutagen, Teratogen
H207 Flammable Cabinet Butyric Acid
Ethylacetic Acid, Butanoic Acid
1 * 100 mL 107-92-6 CH3(CH2)2COOH 470300-510 (9712184) ScholAR (a division of Wards) Wards Danger - Corrosive Liquid
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